Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Self-Publishing Success Stories

A list of 170+ authors who have sold more than 50,000 self-published ebooks to date.

The list started out as a thread on the Kindleboards Writers' Cafe.  I believe that the transparency of these sales figures will help other writers.  I want to show that it is possible to be a successful indie author.

However, only a small percentage of indie writers will sell more than a thousand books.  So your mileage may vary. The general theme I've discovered among these success stories are:  1) great books 2) great covers 3) some promotion.  I believe that the cream will rise to the top.  It might take a while but if you have a great book with a great cover, the readers will eventually discover it.

Amazon Kindle Publishing Royalties:
$2.99 - $9.99:  70% (delivery fee at $0.15 per MB, most ebooks are less than 0.5 MB)
under $2.99:  35%  (no delivery fee)
Barnes & Noble Pubit Royalties:
$2.99 and above: 65%
under $2.99:  40% 
Which mean a $2.99 book will result in $2.04 for the author (after Amazon's 30% cut and a small delivery fee).  50,000 ebooks sold at $2.99 pricing will generate $102,000 royalties for the author.

The "200,000+ self-published ebooks sold" club:

  1. Barbara Freethy - over 2 million ebooks sold (April 2012) 
  2. Amanda Hocking - 1,500,000 ebooks sold (December 2011)
  3. John Lockemore than 1,100,000 eBooks sold in five months
  4. Gemma Halliday - over 1 million self-published ebooks sold (March 2012)
  5. Michael Prescott - more than 800,000 self-published ebooks sold (Dec 2011)
  6. J.A. Konrath - more than 800,000 ebooks sold (April 2012) 
  7. Bella Andre - more than 700,000 books sold (May 2012)
  8. Darcie Chan 641,000 ebooks sold (May 2012)
  9. Chris Culver - over 550,000 (Dec 2011)
  10. Heather Killough-Walden - over 500,000 books sold (Dec 2011)
  11. Selena Kitt - "With half a million ebooks sold in 2011 alone"
  12. Stephen Leather - close to 500,000 books sold (Nov 2011)
  13. CJ Lyons - almost 500,000 ebooks sold (Dec 2011)
  14. J.R. Rain - more than 400,000 books sold (Sept 2011)
  15. Bob Mayer - 347 sold in Jan to over 400,000 total sold by year's end (Dec 2011)
  16. Rick Murcer - over 400,000 ebooks in one year (May 2012)
  17. Tracey Garvis-Graves - sold more than 360,000 copies of her first novel
  18. Tina Folsom - over 300,000 books sold (October 2011)
  19. J Carson Black - more than 300,000 books sold (November 2011)
  20. Terri Reid - 300,000 sold (May 2012) 
  21. Marie Force - 300,000+ sold (June 2012) 
  22. Liliana Hart - "my total sales for one year have now exceed 300,000 books (June 2012)
  23. T.R. Ragan - 293,202 books sold (May 2012)
  24. B.V. Larson - over 250,000 books sold (Dec 2011)
  25. Kerry Wilkinson - more than 250,000 books sold (Feb 2012)
  26. M. R. Mathias - "I'm up to nearly 250k (in just two years) (June 2012)
  27. H.P. Mallory - more than 200,000 ebooks sold (July 2011)
  28. Scott Nicholson - Just guessing, I'd put my worldwide sales total between 200k-250k
  29. David Dalglish - more than 200,000 (May 2012)
  30. Antoinette Stockenberg - total sales stand at 216,686 (June 2012) - private email
  31. Cheryl Bolen - 200,000 sold (June 2012)
  32. Jennifer Ashley/Ashley Gardner - 200,000 sold mark in early June 2012 - private email
  33. Nick Spalding - "I'm lucky enough to be in the 200,000 + total sales club now (June 2012)"
  34. Catherine Bybee - nearly 200,000 of the novel Wife By Wednesda (Jan 2012)
  35. Jamie McGuire -  hundreds of thousands of copies sold of Beautiful Disaster
  36. Hugh Howey- crossed the 200,000 sold mark in June 2012
  37. Colleen Hoover

Authors who have sold more than 50,000 self-published ebooks to date  (in alphabetical order)

This list is incomplete.  There are many other authors out there whom I have not found.
An asterisk indicates an author who was traditionally published.

  1. Rachel Abbott - "has sold nearly 100,000 copies" (April 2012)
  2. *Lara Adrian 
  3. Susan Alison - "over 50k at the end of last month" (Feb 2012)
  4. Dani Amore
  5. *Bella Andre - more than 700,000 books sold (May 2012)
  6. Judy Angelo - June 2012 Sales – 20,402
  7. Melody Anne - over 150,000 (Feb 2012)
  8. Daniel Arenson - sold his 100,000th book on June 28, 2012
  9. *Jennifer Ashley/Ashley Gardner 200,000 sold mark in early June 2012 - private email
  10. Kristen Ashley
  11. Jake Barton- 83,712 books sold (March 2012)
  12. *Brett Battles
  13. Stacey Wallace Benefiel62,000 sales as of the end of April
  14. Robert Bidinotto - 58,260 (Feb 2012)
  15. *J Carson Black - more than 300,000 books sold (November 2011)
  16. Gia Blue - I've hit 111k from August 2011 through April 2012
  17. *Cheryl Bolen - 200,000 sold (June 2012)
  18. *Stephanie Bond - over 30,000 sold in the month of June 2012
  19. Kathleen Brooks - 50,015 paid books with most coming from the last 2 months (March 2012)
  20. Oliver Broudy - “The Saint” 41,826 copies, “The Codex” 5,009 copies (Jan 2012)
  21. Ryk Brown
  22. Lindsay Buroker
  23. Christopher Bunn  - 63,819 as of June 2012
  24. Catherine Bybee - nearly 200,000 of the novel Wife By Wednesda (Jan 2012)
  25. Sarra Cannon  - 62,400 books as of March 17, 2012
  26. Karen Cantwell - 86K as of March 2012
  27. Ruth Cardello - with 1st book free, 2nd book sold 50,000 in 6 months (Feb 2012) 
  28. Stephen Carpenter
  29. *Diane Chamberlain 
  30. Darcie Chan - 641,000 ebooks sold (May 2012)
  31. Ann Charles 
  32. Mel Comley
  33. Kristie Cook79,000 sales
  34. Shelly Crane
  35. Martin Crosbie - 66,716 books sold (March 2012)
  36. *Blake Crouch - total unknown ("5,000 sales a month")
  37. Chris Culver - over 550,000 (Dec 2011)
  38. David Dalglish - more than 200,000 (May 2012)
  39. Emma Daniels - over 50k (May 2012)
  40. Dannika Dark - I've sold 50,000 copies of my two books since publishing last September
  41. Susan Denning - To date, I've sold almost 60,000 Kindle copies
  42. Thomas DePrimaOver 140,000 Indie Books Sold at mostly $5.99 
  43. Saffina Desforges  - Sugar & Spice sold over 100,000 ebooks (Sept 2011)
  44. Mainak Dhar - 85,600 (Jan 2012)
  45. Rebecca Donovan
  46. Sandra Edwards-  about 90K (since July 2010) as of March 2012
  47. Daniel Erricoover 45,000 ebooks sold in the last year (Dec 2011)
  48. *Donna Fasano - over 100,000 copies sold (April 2012)
  49.  Sara Fawkes
  50.  Kelly Favor
  51. *Ellen Fisher - over 100,000 as of Feb 2012
  52. Penelope Fletcher - over 50,000 as of Feb 2012
  53. Tina Folsom - over 300,000 books sold (October 2011)
  54. *Marie Force - 300,000+ sold (June 2012)
  55. Rebecca Forster - sold more than 24,321 for the month of March 2012
  56. Melissa Foster - more than 150,000 in the last 9 months (Feb 2012)
  57. *Barbara Freethy - over 2 million ebooks sold (April 2012) 
  58. Ben Galley - "has sold nearly 50,000 copies of his books at 99p each" (April 2012)
  59. Tracey Garvis-Graves - sold more than 360,000 copies of her first novel
  60. Eliza Gayle - roughly 65,000 books sold in 2011
  61. Jenny Gardiner - over 80,000 ebooks (Dec 2011)
  62. Debora Geary - total unknown (1 of the top 10 Kindle Select authors for Jan 2012)
  63. Abbi Glines
  64. *Lee Goldberg
  65. Joel Goldman
  66. *Elena Greene - total unknown (sold ~18,500 books for the month of March 2012)
  67. Allan Guthrie - sold over 63,000 self-pubbed Kindle books overall (March 2012)
  68. *Gemma Halliday - over 1 million self-published ebooks sold (March 2012)
  69. *Alexis Harrington
  70. Liliana Hart - "my total sales for one year have now exceed 300,000 books (June 2012)
  71. D.B. Henson - Deed to Death sold 100,000 copies (June 2011)
  72. Vaughn Heppner
  73. Michael Hicks - close to 100,000 mark (March 2012)
  74. Amanda Hocking - 1,500,000 ebooks sold (December 2011)
  75. Sibel Hodge - "in the last 6 months alone I’ve sold over 40,000 ebooks"
  76. Debra Holland - over 50,000 books sold (March 2012)
  77. Colleen Hoover
  78. Sheila Horgan - well over 80,000 as of Feb 2012
  79. Hugh Howey- crossed the 200,000 sold mark in June 2012
  80. Artemis Hunt / (A.R. Hunt) - I just hit my 50,000th milestone (April 2012)
  81. *Delle Jacobs - total unknown - her success is described here
  82. Nancy C. Johnson
  83. Ty Johnston - sold about 60,000 total e-books over the last year and a half
  84. *Lisa Renee Jones - June 2012 Sales – 24,000
  85. Andrew E. Kaufman - 53,984 sold in 31 days (during the month of March 2012)
  86. Lawrence Kelter
  87. Selena Kitt - "With half a million ebooks sold in 2011 alone"
  88. Stephen KnightMay 2012 generated Amazon-only earnings of about $10,700
  89. *J.A. Konrath - more than 800,000 ebooks sold (April 2012) 
  90. Sydney Landon
  91. Eve Langlais -  "now 115,00 as of the end of May" 2012 (private message)
  92. B.V. Larson - over 250,000 books sold (Dec 2011)
  93. *Stephen Leather - "selling close to half a million eBooks over the past 12 months" (Nov 2011)
  94. Taylor Lee
  95. M. Leighton - surpassed the 100,000 books sold mark at the end of March 2012
  96. Jason Letts - almost 50,000 as of Feb 2012
  97. Victorine Lieske - more than 100,000 books sold (May 2011)
  98. John Locke- more than 1,100,000 eBooks sold in five months
  99. Quinn Loftis
  100. Terri Giuliano Long - more than 80,000 ebooks sold (Jan 2012)
  101. *Carol Davis Luce - 100,000 sold (January 2012)
  102. *CJ Lyons - almost 500,000 ebooks sold (Dec 2011)
  103. H.P. Mallory - more than 200,000 ebooks sold (July 2011)
  104. Michael G. Manning - I've sold over 107k copies of my first two books (May 2012)
  105. C.S. Marks
  106. Locklyn Marx
  107. R.L. Mathewson
  108. M. R. Mathias - "I'm up to nearly 250k (in just two years) (June 2012)
  109. *KC May - I hit 100,000 sold in April 
  110. *Bob Mayer - 347 sold in Jan to over 400,000 total sold by year's end (Dec 2011)
  111. David McAfee - 54-56K range as of March 2012
  112. Stephanie McAfee - "the e-book sold 145,325 copies from January to August 2011"
  113. Carolyn McCray - on track to sell over 13,000 ebooks for the month of March 2012
  114. Jamie McGuire -  hundreds of thousands of copies sold of Beautiful Disaster
  115. Karen McQuestion - more than 70,000 sold (***September 2010***) 
  116. *Courtney Milan
  117. *Lisa Mondello - "As of May 31 I have sold 65,641 ebooks"
  118. Addison Moore
  119. *David Morrell
  120. Rick Murcer - over 400,000 ebooks in one year (May 2012)
  121. Scott NicholsonJust guessing, I'd put my worldwide sales total between 200k-250k
  122. Anne Marie Novark  - more than 70,000 books sold (Feb 2012)
  123. *Beth Orsoff - over 75,000 (April 2012)
  124. Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
  125. *Jessica Park - Flat-Out Love sold over 75,000 copies (May 2012)
  126. RJ Parker - total unknown - "average between 2000-2500 sales per week"
  127. Shayne Parkinson - over 50,000 as of Feb 2012
  128. Aaron Patterson - total unknown - author's success is listed here
  129. Andrew Peterson
  130. Paul Pilkington - over 56,000 paid downloads (April 2012)
  131. Aaron Pogue 
  132. *Michael Prescott - more than 800,000 self-published ebooks sold (Dec 2011)
  133. Rose Pressey - over 54,000 since April 2011
  134. T.R. Ragan - 293,202 books sold (May 2012)
  135. J.R. Rain - more than 400,000 books sold (Sept 2011)
  136. Tina Reber
  137. *Joan Reeves - sold 126,659 just on Kindle in 9 months as indie author (Dec 2011)
  138. Terri Reid - 300,000 sold (May 2012) 
  139. Lexi Revellian - over 54,000 (March 2012)
  140. Morgan Rice - "has sold over 100,000 copies"
  141. Shadonna Richards - 51,790 ebooks as of March 2012
  142. *Jeremy Robinson 
  143. Imogen Rose - Portal itself has sold over 50,000 copies now (Feb 2012)
  144. *Stephanie Rowe
  145. *Kristine Kathryn Rusch
  146. Nick Russell - over 104,000 of Big Lake (March 2012)
  147. *Patricia Ryan/P.B. Ryan2012 Sales Total – 70,707 (May 2012)
  148. N. Gemini Sassonfinally clicked over that 50,000 notch sold  (June 2012)
  149. Jonas Saul - over 50,000 ebooks sold
  150. L.J. Sellers - total unknown - author's success is listed here
  151. Amber Scott - total unknown - author's success is listed here
  152. D.D. Scott - over 100,000 sales (May 2012)
  153. *Michele Scott (AK Alexander) - more than 100,000 books sold in two months
  154. Tori Scott - 84,772 as of midnight March 15, 2012
  155. Mark Sennenmy book (Touch) has sold 50,000 copies in the UK
  156. Kathleen Shoop - over 50,000 books sold since May 2011 (as of Jan 2012)
  157. Mishka Shubaly - sold in excess of 93,000 copies (March 2012)
  158. Lyla Sinclair 
  159. Christopher Smith  
  160. *Dean Wesley Smith
  161. Nick Spalding - "I'm lucky enough to be in the 200,000 + total sales club now (June 2012)"
  162. Katie Stephensfifth best UK kindle seller in 4th quarter of 2011
  163. S.C. Stephens
  164. *Antoinette Stockenberg - total sales stand at 216,686 (June 2012) - private email
  165. *Andy Straka - over 50,000 in the past 10 months (March 2012)
  166. Michael J Sullivan - more than 90,000 sold before books retired and republished 
  167. Connie Suttle - "Connie has passed a total of 115,000 sales in only eleven months"
  168. Denise Grover Swank- almost 60,000 books with my four books since last July (March 2012)
  169. Cheryl Kaye Tardif  sold over 10,000 copies of that book and earned over $42,000 with all my sales in 1 month
  170. J. Thorn - sold more than 20,102 for the month of March 2012
  171. Mark Tufo
  172. Vicki Tyley -  100,000 (January 2012)
  173. Kathleen Valentine - over 50,000 sold (May 2012)
  174. Louise Voss & Mark Edwards - 50,000 ebooks sold in the month of June (2011)
  175. Heather Killough-Walden - over 500,000 books sold (Dec 2011)
  176. Michael Wallace -  80,000 (Feb 2012)
  177. Tammara Webber
  178. Kerry Wilkinson - more than 250,000 books sold (Feb 2012)
  179. Nicole Williams - near the 100,000 mark for her trilogy (Dec 2011)
  180. Ryan Winfield
  181. Zoe Winters - more than 50,000 ebooks sold independently
  182. *Laurin Wittig - sold over 75,000 copies of indie books (April 2012)
  183. Sarah Woodbury - over 62,000 sold (May 2012)
  184. Samantha Young - total unknown - sold 12,000+ for the month of July 2011
  185. Rachel Yu - more than 60,000 ebooks sold (Feb 2012)

Encouraging news from Amazon CEO in his annual letter to shareholders (April 2012):

Kindle Direct Publishing has quickly taken on astonishing scale – more than a thousand KDP authors now each sell more than a thousand copies a month, some have already reached hundreds of thousands of sales, and two have already joined the Kindle Million Club. KDP is a big win for authors. Authors who use KDP get to keep their copyrights, keep their derivative rights, get to publish on their schedule – a typical delay in traditional publishing can be a year or more from the time the book is finished – and … saving the best for last … KDP authors can get paid royalties of 70%. The largest traditional publishers pay royalties of only 17.5% on ebooks (they pay 25% of 70% of the selling price which works out to be 17.5% of the selling price). The KDP royalty structure is completely transformative for authors. A typical selling price for a KDP book is a reader-friendly $2.99 – authors get approximately $2 of that! With the legacy royalty of 17.5%, the selling price would have to be $11.43 to yield the same $2 per unit royalty. I assure you that authors sell many, many more copies at $2.99 than they would at $11.43.

This might be useful for finding the next great books to read (from another project of mine):

Top 100 Books Ranking (by genre)

Top 100 Fantasy (epic) Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Fantasy (historical) Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Fantasy (urban / contemporary) Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Horror Ebooks Ranking 
Top 100 Humor Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Literary Fiction Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Mystery Ebooks Ranking 
Top 100 Romance (contemporary) Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Romance (historical) Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Romance (paranormal) Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Romance (suspense) Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Science Fiction Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Thrillers Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Young Adult Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Young Adult (fantasy / urban fantasy) Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Young Adult (paranormal romance) Ebooks Ranking
Top 100 Zombies Ebooks Ranking   

Top 100 Epic Fantasy Books Ranking
Top 100 Horror Books Ranking
Top 100 Mystery Books Ranking
Top 100 Thrillers Books Rannking
Top 100 Science Fiction Books Ranking

    For writers who are thinking about self-publishing, I would recommend these blogs/sites

and this guess post: Michael Sullivan on Self-publishing (highly recommended!)

I just put up a post called "Self-Publishing Resources"  for any writers who are interested.  Some useful info there.

If you're an author who have sold more than 50,000 self-published ebooks but not on this list and would like to share your sales number/estimate, please email me at indieauthorsurvey@aol.com, or leave a comment here or a comment/private message on the Kindleboards.  Thank you.  


  1. Thanks for doing all this legwork! I did some more and created some charts on my blog based on your data. Adventures in ePublishing

  2. Directed here from Derek's post. New follower. Thanks for putting this together, very interesting!

  3. Cool charts, Derek. Very interesting.

    Thanks for linking to this blog.

  4. You can add me to the list--kathleen shoop--The Last Letter--closing in on 60,000 sold since May, 2011. It's historical fiction. Thanks for putting the list together!

    1. Thanks for reply. I added you to the list.

      It's great to see more indie authors finding success.

  5. Another new follower via Derek.

  6. Appreciate the mentions-- sales are somewhere around the 600,000 eBooks sold since January 2011.

  7. Love learning about these success stories.
    We have been fortunate enough to sell more than 100,000 print books and counting in our children's middle grade series, The Adirondack Kids.

    Gary VanRiper

  8. Thanks for including me on your list. I should hit the 300,000 mark this month. It's been a very exciting ride!

  9. Thank you for including me! I will probably top the 300,000 sales mark this month. It's been a wild, but very exciting, ride! BTW, I should have an asterisk as I am also traditionally published with a line within Harlequin and was with Sourcebooks for three books.

  10. You can add me to the list too. I'm over 50,000 just in 2011. Currently over 75,000. Note my first book, Romantically Challenged, was originally traditionally published, later self-published. I sold many more copies of it than my publisher ever did. I also recently signed a four-book deal with Amazon Publishing.

  11. I want to thank everyone for their comments/replies. It's great seeing so many indie authors connecting with their readers and enjoying major success.

    I will update the list on a regular basis. And will add more.

    1. Great job. You can also add me. I have 7 ebooks and I self-published them in early December. Since then, they maintain in the top 20 of the top 100 in crimes and criminals and I average between 2000-2500 sales per week. They are priced at $2.99. I'm very happy with it. If all goes well please God, I should sell 125,000 my first year which would net about $200,000. Lots of wonderful indie/newbie stories...and we all have a lot to be proud of.

  12. Thanks for updating the list, and putting in so much detail... this is fabulous. And encouraging!

    But I have a question. Who are you? Do you work for Amazon?

    (Just sayin')

    1. I'm Top100EbookRanking (lol). My original project was to rank inexpensive books ($0.99-$3.99) so readers can discover which are some good books to read. I will put more of my time toward that project after I'm done with this one.

      Oh, I don't work for Amazon.

  13. Brilliant job--and much needed as I set out to join these noble warriors soon with my first ebook.

  14. That's a pretty impressive list. Hope to join it one day:)

  15. Wow, so much information on this page! I bookmarked it and will have to dive deeper into the many links... and it's great to see what other authors are doing numbers-wise and have something to reach for, although the odds are always against you... but your comment about the cream of the crop rising is dead-on... great job...

    Armand Rosamilia

  16. You can add me to the 50k+ list. I've sold over 75,000 copies of my indie books since Sept 2010.

  17. Hi,

    Just wondering where your rankings on the 10 point scale came from? You said it was from another project. I applied the formula to one of my thrillers (Selling at $6.99) and came up with 9.55314 based on doubling the amazon 5.0 star scale over the 40 reviews for my book, THE 19TH ELEMENT: http://www.amazon.com/Element-Becker-Thriller-Suspense-ebook/dp/B003TXS2VY/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1334110529&sr=1-1

    Thanks much!


  18. Great to see so many indies doing well! And thank you for mentioning my site among your resources!

    It'd be interesting to see a break-down by income, too, though authors probably wouldn't be as open with that. I know I haven't hit 50,000 total sales yet (might get that sometime this summer), but my best sellers are in the $4-$5 range, so I do pretty well on a couple thousand sales a month. :)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Great post! Thank you for compiling a very encouraging list!

  21. Wow! So much great info... I wished I'd read this a year ago. I have two books on KDP and was pleased to be bringing in about $50 monthly on combined sales. Now I'm excited to try and psuh the envelope. Thank you again for all the research!

  22. I feel left out. *g* At the end of 2011, with 9 months as an indie author, I had sold 126,659 just on Kindle. Haven't tallied the spreadsheets for the other ebook sellers yet.

    Best wishes,
    Joan Reeves

  23. Thanks for sharing your sales number with everyone. And congratulations on your success.

  24. I've just discovered your site, this is great! As a soon-to-be indie, this is very valuable. Thanks.

  25. Great to see so many success stories! You can add me - 79,000 sales, not including another 50,000 of free downloads of the Soul Savers Series

  26. What a great group to belong to! Inspiring. You can add me too - 62,000 sales as of the end of April. Also not including the 50,000+ free downloads of Glimpse. I hit 50K sales just before my 2 year anniversary as an indie author.

  27. Wow! What amazing sales! I'm just getting my feet wet in indie publishing. But I'd love to have sales like that some day.

  28. I haven't added up all my sales but Liquid Fear has sold around 100,000 copies (taken over by Amazon imprint in December). Just guessing, I'd put my worldwide sales total between 200k-250k, counting my collaborations with J.R. Rain. I don't care if anybody knows how many downloads I've had if it helps spread the reality that self-publishers just may be better off than writers who give their books to someone else who doesn't really care about them or their work.

  29. I want to give a big THANK YOU to all the authors who generously share their sales number.

  30. This post is amazing and eye opening! Thank you!

  31. Yeah, I'm somewhere in between those lines :)

  32. This is fantastic!!! And I'm so proud of each one of them!!!

  33. I'm at 300,000+ now. Thanks for including me.

    1. Thank you for keeping us updated. And congratulations on your success. I looked at the Kindle Indie Best Sellers (top 100) a few minutes ago, you have a few books on the list.

  34. Great post! Self Publishing seems to have a stigma with older authors that don't seem to understand the new way of publishing. I'm willing to bet they still look for VHS. I'm leaning towards A Book's Mind ... any thoughts on them?

  35. Congratulations to all! You really made it. I hope this blog gets an update soon to see new comers.

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